Samay Shetti

Samay is counselor with two years of working experience. He is proficient in the CBT and REBT methods of Therapy, and specializes in helping individuals find alignment when it comes to their career, as well as their relationships. He also combines his knowledge of the scriptures and his experience as a stock market trader to help individuals take efficient decisions in various aspects of their life. He particularly enjoys working with the youth for he believes that young adulthood is the phase of ones life where on one hand, an individual is being exposed to life's realities and on the other hand, they are also shaping how their life would look like in the coming years.
Apart from being a counselor, Samay is also a columnist in a business magazine, along with an expertise in anthropology and History. He uses these varied interest to provide an in-depth understanding of how one can not only plan out a life that is fulfilling for them, but also navigate through the various obstacles that life throws at anyone while pursuing their dreams.
Languages known: English, Hindi, Kannada, and Konkani.